About the Conference



Information Security


BSides events combine security expertise from a variety of platforms in search of the “next big thing” in information security. BSides is an open platform that gives security experts and indus-try professionals the opportunity so share ideas, insights, and develop longstanding relationships with others in the community. It is a rare opportunity to directly connect and create trusted rela-tionships with key members of the community.

What BSides is not!

BSides does not compete with any other event. The goal has and always will be to expand the spectrum of conversation and enable a greater variety of events. Certainly one can take the business perspective and say that any and every security conference competes with each other, but this would ignore the fact that these events are traditionally FREE and simply offer people another alternative to everything else.

BSides is not the All-Conference-Rejects. Certainly the idea may have sparked after the organizer and others got rejected from a conference submission, but the goal in creating Security BSides is always to enable a greater variety of conversation. We do not want speakers who are talking about the current big thing, we want to find new talent who are discussing the NEXT BIG THING!


Major conferences focus on the current hot topics in information security. BSides events explore the fringe of con-versation and focus on the Next Big Thing. The conversation has ranged from hardware hacking to gender issues, from twitter hacking to proximity-based identity theft. BSides gives voice to the conversation that is happening just below the surface.


BSides was born in 2009 when a number of quality speakers were rejected from a mainstream conference, not due to lack of quality but rather lack of space and time. Our mission is to provide people with options by removing common conference barriers and by providing more options for speakers, topics, and events.

Thousands of people have attended and written about their experience at BSides events. Ready more at: http://www.securitybsides.org/Media


Security B-Sides is a framework of events that enables individuals to expand the spectrum of conversation beyond the confines of traditional media. Frameworks such as BSides enable individuals to drive the event, shape the me-dia, and encourage participation. BSides are free, community organized events put on by local individuals with the expressed goal of enabling a platform for information dissemination. BSides is an ‘unconferences’ that follows ‘open spaces’ format. This varies from structured presentations to smaller break-out groups, but both provide a direct connection between speakers and the audience.