Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Below is a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).

  1. How to submit a talk?
    There is a specifc item on the home page for that. It will bring you directly to the CFP form.

  2. How to sponsor?
    There is a specifc item on the home page for that. It will bring you directly to the CFS form.

  3. Is it free?
    Always. We may have some paid ticket options, like one with a t-shirt for example... but the BSides is and always will be free.

  4. How to volunteer?
    There is a specifc item on the menu for that. It will bring you directly to the CFV form.

  5. There will be food? :p
    Yes & No. Normally coffee breaks are included, but really depends on the sponsorships. Some extra options may be available also like full lunch. For 2024 edition still TBD.

  6. I have a problem...
    If during the event, look for one of our staff members and report. If before / after, contact us through

  7. It was AWESOME or not!
    Please, fill out our feedback form, only this way we can improve for the future editions. Form can be found in the home page.

For further enquiries, kindly submit your question via the contact us page or send us an email at